아가리뮤트 (구 리버브)
아가리뮤트 (구 리버브)
RETRO Instruments
2A Dual Program EQ
Vintage Tube Amplifiers and Custom-Designed Transformers set the soundstage. True Passive Equalization creates Bountiful and Musical Equalization curves. The new RETRO 2A3 is designed as an ultra High-Fidelity Program Equalizer whose sonic benefits go beyond the equalization process. Accurate to the industry-standard Pultec EQ performance, the RETRO 2A3 adds HF boost frequencies in several new sweet spots. Carefully implemented HF boost circuits capture the signature sound of the original passive equalizers. Use these settings to make individual tracks fit in place. Make a vocal shine and add distinct presence. There are many satisfying applications, most notably the stereo mix buss.
A new Subsonic Filter allows you to do peaking low frequency boosts that tame the excessive subsonic energy exhibited in the original design if that’s what you want. Utilizing the interstage transformer, the filter not only reduces the subsonic energy but also provides distinct transformer tonal characteristics for tracking and mixing. The filter has settings of 40 and 90 Hz with a peaking response and sharp cutoff. The 40 Hz setting has no apparent loss of lows as it adds excitement to the 35-40 Hz region that is golden in many listening environments. The smoothing effect is pleasantly apparent throughout the midrange. It is easily switched-out for applications that require tight, accurate low frequency response.
In consideration of the limited real estate in your rack, the RETRO 2A3 packs two EQ channels into one 2U space with surprising freedom of movement, ease of adjustment and familiarity. Use the two channels for stereo, separately on independent tracks or cascaded for extended equalization possibilities. The channel separation exceeds 70 dB.
The RETRO 2A3 passive equalizer circuits do not rely on amplifier feedback, which can cause a harsh and clinical sound in typical active equalizer designs. By incorporating pure passive Capacitor - Inductor based equalization; the RETRO 2A3 sounds so natural and effortless even with extreme boosts and cuts. We also gave special attention to the Pultec-style bass boost/bass cut method that is essential to a powerful bass and kick drum EQ. This involves simultaneous low frequency boosts and lower-mid cuts that can scoop out the mud and add real punch. Quite simply, there are benefits to having the RETRO 2A3 in line without even equalizing, as the tube amplification has it’s own unique musicality. The RETRO 2A3 Dual Channel Tube Program Equalizer provides a very useful palette of colors and textures ready for tracking, mixing and mastering.
Retro Instruments 2A3 Dual Program EQ에 대한 사람들의 의견
“The Retro Instruments 2A3 eq is just stunning. I have been loving taking one side and sending it into the other side; creamy, juicy and sweet on the bass. The combo side of the Retro Instruments Sta-Level and the Retro Instruments 2A3 on bass is unbeatable. Retro Instruments has created an instant winner.”
- Ross Hogarth -
[그래미 수상 프로듀서]
“The Retro Instruments 2A3 has become my new ‘go to’ on kick. Clean and open but big with lots of character. Everything Retro Instruments makes is just quality tone recording studio gear.”
- Joe Chiccarelli -
[그래미 후 프로듀서, 엔지니어 & 믹서]
“I’m loving my Retro Instruments 2A3. I use it across my recording mix every day.”
- Michael Brauer -
[그래미 수상 수상 프로듀서 & 엔지니어]
리뷰 링크
Tape Op사의 F. Reid Shippen
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겉 포장이 파손되었을 경우에는 별도로 포장을 해서 보내주셔야 해요 ~
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만약 구매하실 때 배송비를 리버브에서 부담했을 시에도 제품 배송비가 3000원이 들었다면
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이메일 : ask@reverb.co.kr
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- 소프트웨어의 경우 시리얼넘버를 확인하였거나 타인에게 공개되었을 가능성이 있는 경우
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리버브로 교환요청 혹은 에프터 서비스를 위해서 연락을 주세요 !!!
전화번호 : 02-6358-1004~6 (평일 11:00~18:00, 토, 일, 공휴일 휴무)
카카오톡 : ableton
이메일 : ask@reverb.co.kr
Q&A 게시판 글 작성 또한 좋습니다.
RETRO Instruments 2A3 Dual Program EQ 이퀄라이저