아가리뮤트 (구 리버브)
아가리뮤트 (구 리버브)
RETRO Instruments
Sta-Level Tube Compressor
The Retro Sta-Level is a recreation of the legendary 1956 Gates Sta-Level. The Sta-Level dominated the sound of hit radio in the 1960’s. Now these super musical sounding compressors have found their way into today’s hits. The Retro Gold Edition celebrates fifty years of the products existence. The Retro Sta-Level improves on the original with six settings of recovery (release) time and three different modes of operation. Single is super smooth for bass tracks. Double is perfect for most every source you throw at it. The Triple mode allows the Sta-Level to clamp down on fast transient waveforms while still retaining great musicality. These new adjustments give you wide flexibility to find the perfect dynamics control for your specific application.
The Sta-Level utilizes a novel program controlled release circuit. The Sta-Level implementation creates density and consistency while minimizing typical compressor side-effects at up to 40dB of gain reduction! The program path is transformer balanced throughout to cancel control-induced distortion. Push pull circuitry with 6V6 output stage provides wide voltage swing for gain control and line output. The result is that the Sta-Level brings a uniquely familiar intimacy, air and warmth to your tracks.
오리지날 설계에 대한 수정사항은 다음과 같습니다
Retro Instruments STA-LEVEL에 대한 사람들의 의견
“I have an original Gates Sta-Level compressor, but it takes second place to my new Retro Instruments Sta-Level. I find myself turning to it for all of the elements that need to be both nuanced and dynamic: vocals, upright bass, bent horns and broken drums…things with the most unique character and complexion. I would swap out half of my recording studio rack for a few more of these.”
- Joe Henry -
[그래미 수상 프로듀서, 엔지니어]
“What I love about the Retro Instruments Sta-Level is the character that it imparts. I’m using it right now on all my vocal tracks. It can do soft compression and at the same time with it’s faster release mode, it can sound very “In Your Face” with tons of warmth and personality. Believe me, Retro Instruments Sta-Level can add attitude to a lifeless vocal interpretation. I’m so in love with mine that I’m looking to get a second one for my Bass, and in the near future a third one for drums parallel compression.”
- Armando Avila -
[그래미 수상 프로듀서]
“If you own a Retro Instruments Sta-Level, treasure it, pamper it, give it a special place in the middle of your recording studio equipment rack… If you don’t own one - buy a Retro Instruments Sta-Level and find out what makes them so desirable! This is the real thing!”
- Sylvia Massy -
[그래미 수상 프로듀서, 엔지니어 & 믹서]
리뷰 링크
Mix Magazine사의 KEVIN BECKA
Music Connection Magazine사의 Barry Rudolph
Tape Op Magazine사의 Craig Schumacher
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전화번호 : 02-6358-1004~6 (평일 11:00~18:00, 토, 일, 공휴일 휴무)
이메일 : ask@reverb.co.kr
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교환/반품이 불가능한 경우
- 상품 겉 포장이 파손 또는 개봉되었을 경우
- 소프트웨어의 경우 시리얼넘버를 확인하였거나 타인에게 공개되었을 가능성이 있는 경우
- 상품의 TAG, 스티커, 비닐포장 등을 훼손 및 멸실할 경우
리버브로 교환요청 혹은 에프터 서비스를 위해서 연락을 주세요 !!!
전화번호 : 02-6358-1004~6 (평일 11:00~18:00, 토, 일, 공휴일 휴무)
카카오톡 : ableton
이메일 : ask@reverb.co.kr
Q&A 게시판 글 작성 또한 좋습니다.
RETRO Instruments Sta-Level Tube Compressor 컴프레서